Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Highly radioactive snow with counts of up to 65 CPM was measured with Geiger Counter in January of 2013. This snow fell in an area that is 25 km away from Fukushima Daichi. Minamisōma is a city located in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.

As of May, 1, 2011, the city had an estimated population of 68,745 and a population density of 60 persons per km². The total area is 398.50 km². The Japanese government says this area is 'safe' to live in. As of 2012., residents are being invited to 'return' to this 'safe' area. Minamisōma is about 25 kilometres (16 miles) north of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, the site of the nuclear accident that followed the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

Geiger counter (at Wiki page, not in video above) showing radiation at Minamisoma: 0.532 μSv/h. This equates to an annual radiation dose of 4.66 millisieverts, compared to the government's criteria for 'safe' return residents at 20 millisieverts per year. 

The pre Fukushima background radiation was a maximum of 1 millisievert exposure per year, which used to be the safe maximum limit for citizens prior to Fukushima Daichi. 

In the video above, we are detecting 'fresh' radiation in the snow in Japan.  Could there be a pattern here? 

On Dec. 6th, 2013, we did a swipe test of rain droplets on a mailbox in Northern California, at around 8 PM. Using a  pancake style Geiger Counter from Aware Electronics; Model RM-80 with a plastic layer on top of it (which blocks all alpha radiation, this wet paper towel had a high radiation reading of 291 uR/Hr.. average of 265. The pancake Geiger detector is hooked into a computer which provides the graphs below. 

The normal background radiation registered between 9-37 uR/Hr, as shown in first six graphed points below. 

The next test was putting a thick newspaper between the pancake detector and the wet paper towel. This reduced the radiation readings by a considerable amount, to 53 uR/Hr, approximately twice background radiation. 

The third test, was putting a thick book between the wet paper towel and the detector.  All of the radiation was blocked by a paperback book and the detector went back to normal background radiation levels, in the 20-30's. 

Then we took the same wet paper towel sample and put it back on the plastic bag on top of the detector and the reading went right back up to 260-290. 

So what can we learn from this radiation test of the rain in California, done in 2013? (We recommend all you radiation testers out there do it this same way, to isolate the TYPE of radiation that you are detecting without the expensive equipment that someone like Antiproton has.)

Friday, December 6, 2013


The potential of Indian growth story and chance of India to become a global economic superpower has been a hot topic with the economists and analysts all over this globe. The forty year opportunity window is at India's doorsteps just waiting to be grabbed for fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of 1 billion plus Indians. This great opportunity window exists simply on the back of huge demographic advantage of cheap skilled manpower both in the technical and managerial cadres and the world economies looking for new economic order in the face of diminishing old order energy resources and global warming associated with them.
The demographic advantage of today will become a major disadvantage after a few decades when the bulk of the population becomes old. After all no sanity can deny the fact that ultimately for about 35-40 years of productive life, the same individual is going to be a burden on the national resources for next 25-30 years. The number of aged individuals and non productive years of these aged individuals will keep on increasing as a nation marches on road to prosperity. The problems of developed and industrialized economies mainly emanated from this crude reality of life. Whereas these countries fully utilized the opportunity window that came their way and grew old after becoming rich, it looks quite likely that India may grow old before becoming rich and prosperous unless and until some wisdom prevails on Indian polity and they start addressing the five deficits, the bane of Indian economy and growth story at the earliest in a sincere and earnest manner. If the polity keeps harping on their  vote bank politics with subsidies, doles and freebies  for another decade or so, India would have missed this golden opportunity and all because the nation could not produce leaders who could keep their baser instincts of lust for power and money away while serving/governing the nation.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Graph of the Day: If all the ice melted

Homo sapiens sapiens, the species with the ironic name, is not known for long-term thinking. So if the prospect of Sandy-level storm surges happening every year (!) in a half century or so isn’t enough to get us to stop using the atmosphere as an open sewer for carbon pollution, then the prospect we are going to melt all of the Earth’s landlocked ice and raise sea levels more than 200 feet over the next couple of millenna or so ain’t gonna do the trick.
Still, National Geographic has been one of the few major magazines to consistently warn the public about the risks posed by unrestricted carbon pollution. And who better to be alarmed about how we are going to destroy the nation’s geography than National Geographic? Unsurprisingly, the deniers and confusionists, including Bjorn Lomborg himself, have suggested that somehow Nat Geo’s concern is misplaced. Sadly, it isn’t.
The best science suggests that on our current CO2 emissions path, by 2100 we could well pass the tipping point that would make 200+ feet of sea level rise all but unstoppable — though it would certainly take a long time after 2100 for the full melt-out to actually occur.
That said, the text on Nat Geo’s graphic is a little confusing and has the unfortunate effect of suggesting that we would need 22°F of global warming to melt all the ice on the planet, when that’s not what the paleoclimate record suggests.
The confusionists are preternaturally confused by all this. A leading denier website actually cites current data on sea ice (!) to refute Nat Geo, even though it is only melting landlocked ice that raises sea levels.